This is the first day of our fact-finding mission to learn about coal in West Virginia. Our first stop was at a wind turbine farm offering an alternative to fossil fuels like coal. Bonnie Conner and I calculated the angular velocity of turbine blades and found the speed to be around 130 mph. We saw first hand the longterm damage to streams and watersheds in the town of Thomas, WV. The high sulfur content of the coal in this area leads to acid mine drainage and death to streams affected. I hope to discover more positive effects of coal mining than I have seen in my previous travels around WV.
Coal has alot of chemicals. Chemicals that are toxic, so toxic it can kill you. I am agaisnt coal because coal, is taking iver land, and eats away at things. Coal dust from the slugde that covers where mountain tops are removed. This dust covers anything and everything. This coal dust, and mountain top removal is becoming major problems, wv's county has leading in cancer, and unempolyment. These moutains are here for a reason, don't ruin them for coal.